Fun with Machine Learning: Simplify the Data Science process by automating repetitive and complex tasks using AutoML
Liborious, Arockia
Fun with Machine Learning: Simplify the Data Science process by automating repetitive and complex tasks using AutoML /Arockia Liborious and Rik Das - New Delhi: BPB Publications, 2024. - xix, 229p. ; 22 cm.
Included Indexes
Data-driven decision, Data Science, Image Analysis
006.31 L58F
Fun with Machine Learning: Simplify the Data Science process by automating repetitive and complex tasks using AutoML /Arockia Liborious and Rik Das - New Delhi: BPB Publications, 2024. - xix, 229p. ; 22 cm.
Included Indexes
Data-driven decision, Data Science, Image Analysis
006.31 L58F